Reconcile, Strive for Virtue, and Pursue Wisdom! A Philosophical Inquiry into Giftedness

Some people have particularly excitable sensory and emotional systems, imagination, and intellect. They’re unusually intense, complex and driven, and often slightly at odds with themselves and the world around them. When it feels like this world is too much for you, and you’re too much for the world too – what do you do? Philosophical Counselor Miriam van der Valk helps us see how we can reconcile, strive for virtue, and pursue wisdom!
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Giftedness and Self-Discipline: 3 Ways to Maintain a Work Ethic

Living up to one’s gifted potential requires discipline and a strong work ethic against the temptation to “coast”. Trent Rhodes explores how he discovered, and we all can discover, a gifted work ethic that gives purpose and creative clarity.

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